op2 is the only underwriter-grade, hosted, private cloud solution in the title and settlement industry that features the complete RamQuest software suite. Under CFPB requirements, lenders are responsible for compliance - starting with title and settlement providers and extending to selected service and hosting providers. As a result, lenders demand the security and the level of responsibility that can only be offered by a private cloud solution, wholly owned and backed by a national underwriter. Download the case study to read Affirmative Escrow’s op2 story.
Download a case study about Affirmative Escrow's experience with op2:
“There’s so much to love about RamQuest’s solutions, including the robust search features in their production software and two-way integrations with key service providers and underwriters – all of which improve our operation’s efficiency. Plus, the software ensures communication between our various departments, which made RamQuest the right business decision for us."
Mary Pellegrini, Executive Vice President